Please kindly check the below modifications about #hotplatewelding fixture:
- Use 2 pins (in yellow) to improve the centering of the 2 hot-plates together.
2. Use some pins to improve the clamping of the elbow pipe (see example on
the pictures). It will make the clamping a lot more stable, the clamping will be
much more functional and better guided into the #hotplatewelder fixture.
Make sure that the pins in contact with the fixture will be steel against steel. If
you use aluminum, the pins will damage the fixture after a few weldings.
3. Increase the diameter at the end of the rod (just on the end), in order to make
sure that the welded part will not slip and fall from the rod at the end of the
welding cycle.
4. For all the #hotplateweldingmachine fixtures:do not check the part presence from under,because dust and dirt will easily fall on it and the sensor check will not be functional. Please put the sensors, so that the part presence will be checked on the side.
5. You put the metal spring in the wrong orientation. Please rotate the metal spring of 180°.Metal spring (in yellow)
#hotplateweldingmachine #hotplatewelder #hotplateweld #hotplatewelding